When is WoW World Quest reset time? When does Onyxia's Lair resets? Onyxia's Lair reset every 5 days. How do I check my weekly raid lockout? Unlocking World Quests In BFA What does Daily and Weekly resets do? They are. Weekly Reset: 2 days 8 hours 51 minutes 57 seconds Daily Reset: 8 hours 51 minutes 57 seconds. Weekly Reset: 3 days 51 minutes 57 seconds Daily Reset: 51 minutes 57 seconds. Today is April 12, Your local time is WoW Server Reset. Zul'Gurub and Ruins of Ahn'Qiraj reset every 3 days. WQs are generally always up for at least 24 hours though, so if you clear them all daily, you probably don't miss any. The biggest reset is typically at the daily wow server restart time. WoW World Quest reset time is basically every 6 hours. This will display your current lockoutsand time left until they reset.
To check your current raid lockouts press your 'O' key in-game, select the Raid tab, and click on Raid Info in the upper right. Have in mind that local times may increase or decrease the time by an hour at two points in the year due to daylight savings time changes.